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lovetochat 01-13-2008 09:29 PM

Anyone tried aqua-aerobics?
My local gym does aqua-aerobics and I thought I might give it a try. Has anyone tried this and felt fitter or more toned as a result?

tater03 01-13-2008 10:13 PM

We have a class being offered on this at our local YMCA. My Mom and I are going to take the class and see what it is all about. It doesn't start though until next month. I would love to hear from someone that has tried it.

baldmonkee 01-24-2008 12:21 PM

Aqua-aerobics are great if you are suffering from injuries too, it's a good way to keep fit during rehab with knee or leg injuries

Liza 01-24-2008 12:47 PM

I am ashamed to say, I can't swim, I love the water though, however I am not comfortable with my feet leaving the ground. :D

SageMother 01-24-2008 04:20 PM

When I belonged to a gym they had water aerobics. I didn't participate because I felt the need to actually perspire while exercising, and I wanted to reap the benefits of weight bearing activities.

I felt that aqua aerobics would slow my seeing results.

emsy99 01-24-2008 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by SageMother (Post 347)
When I belonged to a gym they had water aerobics. I didn't participate because I felt the need to actually perspire while exercising, and I wanted to reap the benefits of weight bearing activities.

I felt that aqua aerobics would slow my seeing results.

I found that I did perspire! I know it sounds odd but you really do! Especially when you have just finished and goten out of the water. You can also "feel" it in your muscles the next day, the same as any other aerobics.

debrajean 01-27-2008 10:25 AM

I think this would be a wonderful alternative to gym workouts. I think it would be less stressful on your joints.

lovetochat 02-01-2008 02:07 PM

Just to update you on this - I have done the class twice now and it is quite fun and you do feel it the next day so I guess it is having some benefit. You can put in as much effort as you want - some people just kind of float around and I don't think that will do too much good! You do feel a bit of a fool prancing around in the pool but on the plus side nearly everyone was over 50 and pretty large so me and my friend felt very young and slim in comparison!
Nice jacuzzi afterwards as well!

debrajean 02-06-2008 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by lovetochat (Post 488)
Just to update you on this - I have done the class twice now and it is quite fun and you do feel it the next day so I guess it is having some benefit. You can put in as much effort as you want - some people just kind of float around and I don't think that will do too much good! You do feel a bit of a fool prancing around in the pool but on the plus side nearly everyone was over 50 and pretty large so me and my friend felt very young and slim in comparison!
Nice jacuzzi afterwards as well!

The jacuzzi sounds like heaven! However you get your exercise is the best, no matter how silly it seems.

Jewel 02-10-2008 03:08 AM

I think that it would actually be a lot of fun, but whenever I see people doing water aerobics at the pool, they are significantly older than me, and I feel that I would not fit in.

tater03 02-10-2008 11:57 PM

Sadly we ended up not signing up due to conflicts in our schedule. I really hope to try it though. I think it just sounds like fun and a great way to get some exercise in that would be fun to do.

fiona 02-11-2008 05:38 AM

I am currently taking aqua aerobics at my local gym and although the people there are signficantly older than me, I do not let that stop me from working out. I am there for the same reason as they are which is for a great workout.

riskey58 02-11-2008 11:13 PM

aque aerobics
I am older and I find it is harder for me to excerise the way I should. I have been thinking about during this. I think that it might be easier for me.

Jewel 02-12-2008 09:01 AM

Instead of aqua aerobics I am thinking about just swimming laps at the pool here. I think that will still give me a great full body workout.

Liza 02-15-2008 07:26 PM

Even though I don't swim, I think swimming gives a full body workout so that should keep you nicely toned while still burning calories.

Jewel 02-15-2008 11:25 PM

Swimming really is a great way to exercise, but I think that the main problem is that it's hard for adults to learn to swim if they don't already know, easier for kids.

kennyjoyy 09-14-2010 06:09 AM

Yes I am currently taking aqua aerobics at my local gym and although the people there are significantly older than me, This is really great exercise for our body it will give you flexible body and also very helpful in our weight loss.

cube12ic 10-26-2010 04:38 AM

When I belonged to a gym they had water aerobics. I didn't participate because I felt the need to actually perspire while exercising, and I wanted to reap the benefits of weight bearing activities.

boycemory 11-04-2010 09:56 PM

I did water aerobics in the past and probably before you register for another class this fall. The best classes that I can remember, it is deep water exercises with a belt IPO. I enjoyed the aqua aerobics much more than regular and could see results quickly because of opposition from the water.

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