Old 05-07-2010, 11:58 AM
cyrilstyras cyrilstyras is offline
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Default Can Golf Fitness Training Help Me?

Even professional golfers have an off season when they don't go on tour and seemingly hide from the public. But when they are not out on tour, they aren't lounging in their backyards. They are spending hours in the gym, on the range, and getting as much physical fitness and training in as they can so that they can come back even stronger next year. Most amateurs do not do this! If you are like most part-time, weekend golfers, then you never work on your game unless you are actually playing it. You might spend an hour at the range once or twice a month, but that is not enough to produce any difference in your game. You really need to concentrate on golf fitness training if you plan on getting any better at all.

1.If you think that golf isn't an aerobic game, you are wrong. Most golfers will walk five or six miles during one round - and that is even when they are driving a cart! This type of golf fitness training is essential for golfers of all ages, but even more so as you grow older. By being out of shape and getting tired out on the course, your game will fall apart.

2.Your strength throughout your entire body is absolutely essential to a good game. From the power in your lower arms and wrists, to the strength in your abdomen and quadriceps, they are all important to your swing. In addition, by being strong and fit throughout your body, you will be more in shape to climb hills, walk in sand, and hit ball after ball.
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Old 05-17-2010, 03:23 PM
Vega Vega is offline
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I always tell people who want to lose weight and start exercising to pick an activity that they enjoy. Golf is a great example of a fun sport that provides plenty of exercise for someone. Of course for the most exercise, I recommend walking and carrying your bags. If you hate the gym and love the golf course, then go golfing on a regular basis for some great exercise.
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Old 06-25-2010, 11:57 AM
robinhoods123 robinhoods123 is offline
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Well, Improved strength will allow you to generate more power increasing your range and enhancing the finesse of your golf strokes as you will be less focused on muscling through the long drives.
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