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peytonbusch 03-23-2010 06:06 AM

Dancing For Exercise
So far I have written a lot of articles on ballet dancing, aimed at ballet dancers. Did you know that ballet dancing or any other dancing is not a joy that can be shared by dancers alone? Anyone can dance, and most people surprise themselves once they find the right form of dance to suit their personalities at how much they can actually do and achieve.

Most people know that they have to exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it is getting motivated to exercise that is the difficult part. Exercise need not be boring, and if you can find something you are passionate about, you will enjoy exercising, and it won't be a chore anymore.

Ballet Dancing for Exercise:

If you are a highly disciplined person with a strong desire to get things just perfect, ballet dancing will be just the exercise form for you. A good ballet class that consists of a barre and centre, will exercise your entire body, and give you a sense of achievement at the end of your class. Your area should have various adult classes to choose from that will cater from beginners to advanced dancers. The important thing is to feel comfortable enough in class to be able to express yourself and lose yourself in the music.

Modern or Contemporary Dancing for Exercise:

Modern ballet or contemporary is a little less disciplined than classical ballet, but you will still need to work hard to get your technique right. The movements are slightly less stiff and more free and flowing. The music ranges from the classics to modern to rock, depending on the speed and type of exercise. A good class consisting of a barre routine, centre work and some floor work will give you an all over workout, while being a lot of fun. The class will move from fast and fun jazz to slow strengthening and stretching work on the floor, so it never gets boring.

robinhoods123 06-25-2010 12:01 PM

I believe that dancing would be the easiest and most fun way to lose weight, this is due to the simple fact that you can do it anywhere and anytime and it just will not feel like work. An important factor to remember though is do not drink because all your dancing would have gone to waste.

rogerjeny 06-29-2010 09:36 AM

If you are dancing with exercise then it is really nice with these you can lose your weight and with these you can also maintain your health and life style and also with these you can enjoy ant time at any where .

jonyroger 07-23-2010 05:24 AM

I believe that dance should be the easiest and most fun way to lose weight, this is simply because you can do it anytime and anywhere, he just does not seem to work. An important factor to remember, however, do not drink, because all the dancing would be wasted.

hannyflow 07-26-2010 11:58 AM

Dancing is not just fun and a great way to socialize and interact with people, but also a good way to stay physically fit. Exercise should not be total drudgery, especially when you can dance your way to health. Dance is constant movement, covering everything from cardio and strength of balance and control. Dancing weight loss and is a great way for people of all ages to learn and stay in shape.

calatheamartinez 08-03-2010 10:38 AM

Dancing is not just fun and a great way to socialize and interact with people, but also a good way to stay physically fit. I think that dancing should be the easiest and funniest way to lose weight, simply because you can do any time and anywhere, it seems simply not working. If you dance with exercise, then it is really nice with them, you can lose weight with them.

radleywotson 09-03-2010 05:45 AM

I think that dancing would be the easiest and funniest way to lose weight, it is due to the fact that you can do it anywhere and any time and it just will not feel like working . An important factor to remember, however, does not drink, because all of your dances have been unsuccessful.

johnrembo09 09-06-2010 07:43 PM

I like your post about Dancing for exercise. It is very helpful and interesting for every one. Every one can share their thoughts about this topic. According to me i think that Dancing is convenient. Forget about expensive equipment or workout clothes.

narkissajohn 09-15-2010 06:45 PM

As per my experience dance is best way to exercise and dance is an effective method of burning calories. and your information is really increase my knowledge. I hope you send more information like this.

princedlight 09-16-2010 05:54 PM

Dancing is the Very good exercise .It seems that many of your body. Be sure to dance at different levels low crouch as low. I would do in 10 minutes then pause for 2 minutes then 10 again until you arrive at 30 minutes you are beginner. Make it your goal to reach 30 minutes without stopping. Regarding the songs are songs hip hop songs to dance very good.

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