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Calypso 02-14-2008 12:00 AM

I joined Curves last month. The way it works is really kind of neat. You only spend thirty seconds on each machine. When that thirty seconds is up, you do thirty seconds of walking or jogging in place on what they call a "recovery board" and then you go to the next machine and do thirty seconds there. I'm able to tolerate that kind of workout better than I am a more traditional workout.

But I still have trouble actually making myself go...This week, for instance, I've followed my diet but haven't made it to the gym once.

katharina 02-14-2008 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Calypso (Post 666)
I joined Curves last month. The way it works is really kind of neat. You only spend thirty seconds on each machine. When that thirty seconds is up, you do thirty seconds of walking or jogging in place on what they call a "recovery board" and then you go to the next machine and do thirty seconds there.

Curves has always sounded like the kind of place I'd like. It would be great if there would be one close enough to me to make it possible to go. I think I'd like that. In the meantime I'm sticking to aerobics and treadmill. :)

SageMother 02-14-2008 05:26 PM

It sounds like their circuit training is well organized. Do they offer free weights as well? Adding a little muscle raises your resting metabolism, meaning you don'thave to jump around in aerobics nearly as much.

riskey58 02-14-2008 09:07 PM

My daughter-in-law went to curves and she really liked it. And I am thinking about joining, There is one just up the street my home. I am older and I think that it would be good for me.

tater03 02-14-2008 10:25 PM

I to have one right down the street from us. I have friends that go and they really enjoy it also. They also if I am not mistaken have their own diet you can follow if you choose. And the price to join Curve's is really reasonable from what I have heard.

Green-Moo 02-15-2008 12:01 AM

Just 30 seconds? I think I'd feel like I was spending more time moving from one machine to the next than actually exercising! I'm not very good with working out how the different machines in the gym work, so I'm not sure this one would be the right workout for me.


Liza 02-15-2008 07:19 PM

Green-Moo, I totally agree with you, I thought there was an error and the real time was 30 mins, how much can you really achieve in 30 sec doing any one thing?

tater03 02-15-2008 10:39 PM

From what my friends say it does work. I know that they both have lost weight and feel great. It does seem weird but it does seem to work.

Calypso 02-15-2008 11:12 PM

I was skeptical myself when I heard the thirty second thing, but it works out better than you'd think. The people at Curves explained to me in great scientific detail why their method works best, but it went right over my head. Still, when I can actually make myself go and participate, I do feel better after working out.

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