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SageMother 01-26-2008 08:57 PM

The importance of inner peace
With all of the messages we get on how to be healthier, thinner, stronger, and live longer, there are precious few that actually relate to quality of life.

Have you noticed how inner peace falls way down on the list of things to do today? I think this is a by product of capitalism and the need to keep people busy so they don't have time to think about themselves first. The messages we get encourage us to look outside of ourselves for satisfaction, and then tell us we should analyze ourselves half to death if we look inward.

I would love to see this trend reversed and wonder if anyone else has noticed these same tendencies in the messages we receive about being the humans we are.

When you think about yourself, do you focus on "shortcomings", or do you look inward to discover how to make yourself happier, more rested and balanced, and less stressed?

ammulu 01-26-2008 10:29 PM

I have just witnessed 2 days back after having a look at my parents. They are depressed over somethings that are not working out for my bro and sis. This really is disturbing them a lot and it is completely made them sick and their health is degraded very badly. I hope to set them back to their good state before they get back to their home.

MrsH 01-27-2008 03:18 AM

I have given this a lot of thoughts the past months. We (my husband and I) have been through a very rough year and it is very easy for us to pity ourself and feel sad. We do have our sad days, but instead of walling in our sadness we have been trying to look at the positive things in our life and things we are able to change. Living a healthier life with better food and more exercise is one of the changes we have made.

Lyndsey 01-28-2008 02:32 AM

The latest trend (as evidenced by the popularity of books like The Secret)is to focus a lot on how we make things happen, we draw certain kinds of energy to us... I realize that this is meant to be a helpful message that encourages us to be positive and proactive, but I think if we explained everything that simply, we might end up beating ourselves up about all the bad things that come our way. My friend's husband died of lung cancer without ever having smoked. Was he supposed to have drawn that to himself through some personal lacking or issue?

SageMother 01-29-2008 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Lyndsey (Post 408)
The latest trend (as evidenced by the popularity of books like The Secret)is to focus a lot on how we make things happen, we draw certain kinds of energy to us... I realize that this is meant to be a helpful message that encourages us to be positive and proactive, but I think if we explained everything that simply, we might end up beating ourselves up about all the bad things that come our way. My friend's husband died of lung cancer without ever having smoked. Was he supposed to have drawn that to himself through some personal lacking or issue?

Theories that blame the victim should be tossed out. "The Secret" probably made the author ton of money but, IMHO, it was a load of worthless prattle. There is no secret and the universe is a fairly unpredictable place. You can create your own reality to some extent, but to be held responsible for those events that come from left field is just stupid.

fiona 02-11-2008 06:33 AM

I have learned in many unique manners that having inner peace in my life first before I can help anyone else in obtaining inner peace for themselves. I do think that it should be at the top of the list than low on the list.

SageMother 02-11-2008 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by fiona (Post 638)
I have learned in many unique manners that having inner peace in my life first before I can help anyone else in obtaining inner peace for themselves. I do think that it should be at the top of the list than low on the list.

It is also important to remember that our inner peace is ours. Helping others to find theirs shouldn't be considered or attempted unless they specifically ask for that help.

Calypso 02-11-2008 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by Lyndsey (Post 408)
The latest trend (as evidenced by the popularity of books like The Secret)is to focus a lot on how we make things happen, we draw certain kinds of energy to us... I realize that this is meant to be a helpful message that encourages us to be positive and proactive, but I think if we explained everything that simply, we might end up beating ourselves up about all the bad things that come our way. My friend's husband died of lung cancer without ever having smoked. Was he supposed to have drawn that to himself through some personal lacking or issue?

I, too, lost a young family member to cancer. After he died, someone suggested that he must have somehow drawn the illness to him. I just about punched that person. My family member wanted so much to live and fought so hard...the idea of blaming him for his illness just infuriated me.

SageMother 02-13-2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Calypso (Post 648)
I, too, lost a young family member to cancer. After he died, someone suggested that he must have somehow drawn the illness to him. I just about punched that person. My family member wanted so much to live and fought so hard...the idea of blaming him for his illness just infuriated me.

I totally understand your anger. Statements like that are ignorant and arrogant. I hope this never happens to you again!

kevinpeter1 07-22-2010 04:35 AM

Developing inner peace and coming to terms with yourself starts with being comfortable with who you are.With all the advancement of science, no remedy has yet been found for lack of inner peace. Often, even when being in good financial condition and in good health, people have no peace of mind, which only proves that peace of mind does not depend on external conditions or on any scientific or technical progress.

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