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MrsH 02-05-2008 10:24 AM

How much?
how much weight are you trying too (or hoping to lose)?

I have 10 pounds left (at least maybe 20 if I do good). I have lost 10 pounds since September and I was so proud of myself. Now these last 10 pounds seems to be stuck on with super glue. Hopefully I will get them off too within a few more months.

tater03 02-05-2008 11:30 PM

I have about five pounds left to lose and then I will be happy. I am starting to tone more now. Good luck on losing your last ten pounds. I hate when you get to that point where the last just doesn't seem to want to come off.

Jewel 02-06-2008 09:09 PM

I'm not interested in losing weight, but I really would like to tone my body.

emsy99 02-06-2008 09:40 PM

I'm not trying to lose a set amount either although I definitely do want to lose weight - I want to be healthier and feel and look better.

debrajean 02-06-2008 10:07 PM

As I've gotten older I've noticed that my muscle tone is not as defined. I would simply like to get back into an exercise routine and tighten things up. And of course as muscle tone comes back, the benefit will be a loss of fat for me.

Liza 02-08-2008 04:37 AM

My aim is to lose 20 pounds, I have already lost 8, so I am well on my way, I plan to step things up a bit.

Jewel 02-10-2008 02:54 AM

That's great, Liza. I have heard that it's really hard to get motivated to lose that much, so excellent job so far. How did you motivate yourself?

SageMother 02-11-2008 01:19 AM

I am going for 10 pounds and that's about it. My goal is to have those gone by the end of June so I have lots of time.

fiona 02-11-2008 05:15 AM

I know that I would love to lose about 30-40 pounds as my end result. But I would feel good with losing at least 25 pounds to be more on the healthy side.

debrajean 02-17-2008 02:04 AM

I've heard that setting goals of small increments are more successful than setting the post real high. So, I'm trying to go with 5 lbs then move up to 8 and onto 10 and so on until I reach my goal of 20 lbs. It might take longer but I'm hoping this time it'll stick.

Green-Moo 02-17-2008 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Jewel (Post 548)
I'm not interested in losing weight, but I really would like to tone my body.

This is me too. I'm not overweight (under, if anything) but I could do allot towards making myself fitter.

I imagine I'll be doing more exercise this year as the baby gets bigger, so I should reclaim some fitness just by going about some of the gardening & stuff that I've let slide.


RFL1986 02-17-2008 03:05 PM

It is indeed a good idea to set smaller more manageable goals that once you've reached you can then move onto slightly higher ones. Remember that it's unhealthy to drastically change your weight (gain or lose) so smaller improvements are better than big ones.

Calypso 02-17-2008 03:13 PM

I'm trying to lose an enormous amount of weight - 150 pounds, to be exact, or almost half my body weight. I've lost twenty pounds over the last month and a half, so I just need to keep going at a steady pace. My short term goal is to lose thirty more pounds before my vacation in April. Wish me luck.

Jewel 02-17-2008 05:30 PM

Good luck with your goal Calypso.

I think that it is a good idea to increase weight loss in small increments. My boyfriend, for example, has decided that his goal for each month will be to lose and keep off 5 pounds until he reaches his ideal weight, instead of just going for a straight loss of 40 pounds as quickly as possible.

leosmith678 05-06-2010 12:04 PM

This obesity it very disappointing. It breaks the heart when miss our favorite things due our health. I am hoping to reduce weight of about 10kg. I regularly do Zumba which is really very effective. Also little diet i follow. I genuinely recommend all to do Zumba.

shane90 06-07-2010 06:28 AM

I would prefer and easily like to get back into an workout usual and squeeze things up. And of course as sinew pitch arrives back, the advantage will be a decrease of fat for me

seoconsultant 10-25-2010 10:44 AM

I got older I noticed that my muscles have not been defined. I just want to get back into an exercise routine, and tighten things up. And of course, as the muscle will come back, the benefit should be fat to me.

ren5en 12-06-2010 06:55 AM

I am not interested in losing weight because i think my weight is perfect.

Mitchell_Symonds66 12-22-2010 09:39 AM

I want to lose weight 10 to 15 pounds in few days because i given army test and my weight is high to their requirements. So I am doing hard work to lose weight.

mattmlstd 01-10-2011 09:20 AM

About five...

nvinita93 03-12-2011 08:11 AM

I want to maintain my 143 pounds but during last couple of month, due to some dieting habit change it grows till 160. Hopefully I will soon controlled on it.

lav.katherine 12-12-2011 04:44 AM

I have just joined the gym to lose weight. My goal is to lose 20lbs. Best of luck for your last 10lbs.

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