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Atkins diet
What does everyone think of this diet? My sister is doing it but I think it's so unhealthy to cut out all carbs. I mean I read somewhere that Atkins had actually died from this diet. What are your views on it?
It probably works temporarily but it does carry some serious health risks. Modifying the diet to include carbs would be helpful and I think that may have aleready happened.
I'm not into any kind of diet that has you eliminate any one food group. A girl at my work has "been on" this diet for like a year, but she can never fully stick to it and she doesn't seem to have lost any weight
Baldmonkee, I agree completely. I just can't agree to stick with a diet that eliminates an entire food group. I thought that carbs were essential?
yes you do need carbs, but in general we eat to much of them. I grew up eating bread to almost every meal and for dinner we always had potatoes. I am trying now to limit my carb intake a bit and eat more veggies instead.
For awhile there it seemed like everyone around me was on this diet. Some are still one it and have lost weight but quite a few have found it to hard to stay on for any length of time. I personally never tried it because I don't mind limiting a certain food group but not totally.
Sure, we might eat too many carbs, but is that a reason to eliminate them totally? We need to cut down in every aspect of our eating, I believe.
Yes, I agree it does seem quite unhealthy. I do a low GI diet and I do worry about the high fat content in some of the foods on my plan, and I sometimes don't have the fatty things or buy a lower fat version eg. lower fat cheese. Low GI is nowhere near as extreme as Atkins, so it would be the fat intake that would worry me ( I always remember a girl at work who said she couldn't have a cup of coffee becuase she had forgotten to bring in cream - there was milk in the fridge but she wasn't allowed milk, only cream! Seems very strange!
Anyway. Limited amounts of carbs is the way to go. I have also hear people who did cut carbs craved them so much that when they started to eat carbs again they overeat a lot. |
I fond this webpage about Atkins diet. It seems like this diet is very dangerous to pregnant women (but who will be crazy enough to be on a diet when pregnant?). It is also scary for everyone else according to this page. It does say though that most people do not manage to stay on the diet long enough to really get any long-term consequences. Personally, I don't think I could live without carbs. I need my bread and potatoes.
When I talked to my doctor about weight loss, she told me to think in terms of lifestyle changes I could maintain indefinitely rather than a short term "diet." I might be able to cut carbs for a few weeks, but I could never go without them long term, therefore Atkins isn't for me! |
Well Atkins diet is useful for quick weight loss, I have started this diet since last three weeks so far it is good. I haven't been tired and its work for me.
The main vital thing about this diet is, that people can lose considerable amounts of weight, really quite quickly and this can be very motivating.
The Atkins Diet involves restriction of carbohydrates to pass more often the body's metabolism from glucose as fuel to burning stored fat body. This process is called ketosis, begins when insulin levels are low in normal men, insulin is lowest when the levels of glucose .
The Atkins diet, officially known as the Atkins Nutritional Approach, is a diet low in carbohydrates created by Dr. Robert Atkins, a diet he read in the Journal of the American Medical Association and used to solve its own condition overweight.
Probably work but temporarily, it has some serious health risks. Changing your diet to include carbohydrates would be useful and I think maybe already happened.
I tried the Atkins diet and my grandmother and mother have done well. Based on my experience and see and hear about their own feelings, I would say it is not long-term succussful.
Atkins Diet is a system that allows our body to lose weight in a natural way to induce a change in metabolism. Your body is able to burn fats and carbohydrates to provide energy to function properly. Carbohydrate as glucose, is the first fuel for energy supply in our body. The Dr. Atkins suggests that when we reduce our consumption of carbohydrates significantly, our bodies burn carbohydrates convert to fat as fuel.
So I started Atkins low-carb eating just to stop weight gain. I would like to get out of control appetite control. I never imagined that I could lose weight without hunger or exercise, because I became disabled. I never took the trouble of weighing and measuring until I noticed that the clothing has been meteoric.
Since its inception in 1972, the four-phase Atkins Diet, which stresses high protein and minimal carbohydrate ingestion, has proved both popular and controversial
Atkins Diet is one kind of system that allows our body to lose weight naturally by inducing a change in metabolism. Atkins is useful to many people and caused not only significant weight loss - but also improved health. Many people are demanding food at first and need to make major behavior modification to get the best of Atkins.
Well, Atkins Diet plan is based on figuring out how much carbohydrate is in everything you eat. Therefore, it is the best way to learn about carbohydrates counting.It is also one of the easiest diets to help you lose weight.
Atkins diet contains restrictions on the transfer of more carbohydrates the body's metabolism on glucose as fuel to burn stored fat in the body. This process is called ketosis, begins with insulin are at low levels in normal men, insulin is lowest when blood glucose.
Diet based on the theory that overweight people eat too many carbohydrates. Our bodies burn fat and carbohydrates to produce energy, but carbohydrates are used first. Author drastically reducing carbs and eating more protein and fat, our bodies naturally lose weight by burning stored fat efficiently.
Atkins diet focuses on a varied diet of good carbohydrates and proteins. It helps to prevent cardiovascular disease, lower cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol LPD. Other studies say that the diet also help to prevent heart disease, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, osteoporosis and kidney stones.
After a while, it seemed that everything around me was on this diet. Some are still single, and has lost weight, but relatively few have struggled to stay long. Personally, I never tried because I do not care to limit certain foods, but not completely.
The Atkins Diet involves restriction of carbohydrates to pass more often the bodys metabolism of glucose as fuel to burn stored body fat. This process is called ketosis, begins when insulin levels are low in normal men, insulin is lower when glucose levels.
The Atkins diet is one of the most popular diets on the market. It is also one of the easiest diet to help you lose weight. The Atkins diet includes decreasing the amount of carbohydrate intake from day to day. To obtain results with low carb diet weight loss a person should stop eating sugar and starches. Foods made with flour and sugar, such as bread, muffins, cakes and cookies must be completely avoided.
I thought a lot, though a native food, and not imported from all over the planet, it does not enormous processing (such as sausage, chicken nuggets, 5% meat), or pumped full of chemicals to make it big, taste better or last longer. When you mention the kind of pork pies, though Churchill is likely to be better than your crap down Tescos.
Atkins Diet is a system that allows your body to lose weight the natural way to motivate a change in eating habits and metabolism. It is based on the principle of evil to limit the intake of carbohydrates in your diet meals plan.As Melting cravings, you will feel the energy, both mentally and physically.
What does everyone think of this plan? My sister is the case, but I think its very unhealthy to cut all carbohydrates. I think I read somewhere that Atkins had actually died from this scheme. What are your views on the
The main idea of the Atkins diet is to improve your eating habits. It focuses on having a balanced intake of protein and carbohydrates.The Atkins diet is composed of essential carbohydrates with fats and proteins. These keep the body feel satisfied and full to prevent food cravings .Atkins helps to maintain blood sugar at a desirable level, which takes you away from a dangerous disease like diabetes.
I'm not into any kind of diet that has you eliminate any one food group. A girl at my work has "been on" this diet for like a year, but she can never fully stick to it and she doesn't seem to have lost any weight
Atkins Diet is a system that allows our body to lose weight naturally by inducing a change in metabolism. Our body can burn fat and carbohydrates to provide energy to function properly.
Atkins diet is very new in nature. It allows higher levels of proteins and lipids, while the proposed scheme is generally low in carbohydrates. This is a diet rich in protein and fat but low in carbohydrates. During the first phase, carbohydrate consumption is limited to a very small amount. People have the right to eat fish and meat.
The Atkins diet is not a good option because it reduces the carbohydrates and increase protein intake, which is good because you should eat a serving of meat everyday.If palm to reduce your bad carbs because carbs that give energy and you do not have enough, and you have no energy to do anything. its supposed to be 50-60% of their calories from carbohydrates and only 10.15% of protein.
Atkins is a system that allows our body to lose weight in a natural way to achieve a change in metabolism. The body to burn fat and carbohydrates to produce energy to function properly. Carbohydrates such as glucose, is the first fuel energy in our body. Dr. Atkins suggests that we can significantly reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, our bodies convert carbohydrates to burn fat as fuel.
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