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MrsH 01-12-2008 09:03 AM

the big meal of the day
Both my husband and I are keen to get a bit more healthy and wont be sad if we lose a couple of ponds too. We have always had big dinners after work, which can be pretty late. Now a few weeks ago my husband was watching tv and someone recommanded that the biggest meal of the day was lunch. So for a some weeks now we have had a big meal in the middle of the day and just a sandwich or a bowl of soup at night.

I have not lost any weight (possible because I also eat lots of chocolate and do not really do any exercise). The biggest benefit so far is that I am now not painful full when I got to bed. I am not sure though. Have anyone else heard of having a big meal for lunch instead of dinner and does it make any difference?

SageMother 01-12-2008 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by MrsH (Post 140)
Both my husband and I are keen to get a bit more healthy and wont be sad if we lose a couple of ponds too. We have always had big dinners after work, which can be pretty late. Now a few weeks ago my husband was watching tv and someone recommanded that the biggest meal of the day was lunch. So for a some weeks now we have had a big meal in the middle of the day and just a sandwich or a bowl of soup at night.

I have not lost any weight (possible because I also eat lots of chocolate and do not really do any exercise). The biggest benefit so far is that I am now not painful full when I got to bed. I am not sure though. Have anyone else heard of having a big meal for lunch instead of dinner and does it make any difference?

I think having the largest meal of the day at lunch is a wise change. Since you e njoy chocolate, why not add walking after your last meal of the day? It is a nice way for couple to reconnect with each other and is an easy form of exercise to maintain!

ammulu 01-13-2008 04:46 AM

I would rather say having less amount of food and restricting yourself from cheese or butter or chocolates would be of good help. I really prefer taking less amount of food and more times per day, having any fruit whenever you feel hungry or a glass of fruit juice would be very much helpful to have a healthy and fit personality. Having heavy meal at lunch and nothing at night wouldn't help much as my husband already tried it and finally gave up on it.

MrsH 01-13-2008 06:36 AM

It might be working for us. Hubby have lost about 1 kg. I have also made sure to load the plate with greens so it looks really full, but really the serving size of meat and carbs are about half of what we used to have.

ammulu 01-13-2008 03:13 PM

It is really good to know that it worked for you. My husband was able to reduce 5 pounds but again gained back the moment he was on leave and stayed at home. I guess he was able to have exercise going to office and having a little walk rather than staying home and relaxing in front of TV almost whole day.

baldmonkee 01-13-2008 03:28 PM

Generally what's worked for me is to keep both breakfast and lunch the biggest of the three meals and eat just a very small portion of lean protein and some greens for dinner. I find that reasonably portioned meal earlier in the day reall help keep me going

debrajean 01-20-2008 10:38 PM

I fall into the last meal of the day being the biggest and maybe that's where my weight gain has come from. I need to look at rearranging my meal habits.

emsy99 01-25-2008 10:55 PM

I used to have a massive evening meal but these days have cut it out and it really is helping me to lose weight. It also makes me feel so much better in myself. I used to know someone who wouldn't eat anything after 7pm - she probably had the right idea!!

tater03 01-26-2008 09:14 PM

I am the same way in that my biggest meal of the day seems to be dinner. I never really thought about it having to be lunch. I have always just assumed that the biggest meal was supposed to be breakfast which to be honest is my least favorite.

debrajean 01-27-2008 10:42 AM

This is what I'm trying to do. But it's pretty hard when the people around you won't stop snacking!

fiona 02-11-2008 06:48 AM

My meals are equal to each other and my largest meal in my dinner, and I have a dessert of fruit as my last thing that I will eat if I get a little hungry.

katharina 02-11-2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by tater03 (Post 367)
I am the same way in that my biggest meal of the day seems to be dinner. I never really thought about it having to be lunch. I have always just assumed that the biggest meal was supposed to be breakfast which to be honest is my least favorite.

My biggest meal is always dinner, too... but yes, I've heard that it's a good idea to make it lunch. That just isn't possible for my lifestyle, though. That said, I think that *late* dinners are a lot worse than earlier dinners. Because of the digestion issues and making sure to get enough exercise and moving after dinner, I've always made sure to serve it and eat before 6 p.m.

Liza 02-11-2008 09:25 PM

Dinner has always been my heaviest meal for the day. Since I started working and became weight conscious I reduced the amount of food I had in the latter part of the evening, but I have never heard that concept before. I think it should work though.

debrajean 02-17-2008 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by katharina (Post 640)
My biggest meal is always dinner, too... but yes, I've heard that it's a good idea to make it lunch. That just isn't possible for my lifestyle, though. That said, I think that *late* dinners are a lot worse than earlier dinners. Because of the digestion issues and making sure to get enough exercise and moving after dinner, I've always made sure to serve it and eat before 6 p.m.

I know that eating late at night and then going to bed just lets the fat lie there and build up, so no snacking after 7 pm is a habit I'm trying to get into.

DavidC 03-13-2011 03:38 AM

Nowadays you should now start changing your lifestyle to live healthy. You must eat fruits and vegetables to avoid disease and go stronger. You should also make daily routines to burn fats.

lav.katherine 05-30-2012 10:09 AM

well yes that is true that eating lunch heavy heavy lunch and then doing some rest can help you gain weight and you will get obese. (lol) but be careful dear too much fats bring lot's of problems and diseases with them as for women it bring breast cancer. and for males heart attacks.


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