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MrsH 01-12-2008 08:58 AM

What are your tricks to make sure you get enough green stuff
and by green stuff I mean fruit and veggies. I know the recommendation is 5 a day, which means 2 serves of fruit and 3 serves of veggies. I am doing pretty well with the fruit (probably because they are sweet and I like sweet stuff) but veggies is a bit more tricky.

I manage 1 serve pr day since I usually fill half my plate with veggies for lunch. But the other 2 serves. Not sure where I will fit them in. Any tricks out there?

SageMother 01-12-2008 07:43 PM

The best way to make sure you are getting enough fruits and vegetables is to have fruits as desserts and raw veggies as snacks. You might be surprised at how many green veggies actually work well with a little dip as a snack. Just make sure the dip is very low on fat content.

ammulu 01-13-2008 04:49 AM

I would surely agree with what SageMother has said, trying to control fat foods would be really helpful to avoid those extra pounds and make yourself perfect.

MrsH 01-13-2008 06:38 AM

well yesterday I cut up some extra cucumber and a carrot into sticks and put the in a cup of water in the fridge. When I felt like eating *something* I ate then + a cup of tea. I am not a big fan of dips, but raw veggies was alright. I might keep on doing this.

Jewel 01-13-2008 07:40 AM

I know that I definitely do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, but I really wish that I could. I eat a lot of salad, and to make it taste better I make grilled chicken to go in it. As far as fruit goes, I eat a lot of apples and oranges throughout the day, probably two or three a day.

SageMother 01-13-2008 02:29 PM

Don't forget to use a blender or juicer. Smoothies and fresh fruit juices count toward the daily recommended requirements. I drink fruit juices instead of carbonated beverages. They are good whizzed in the blender with ice in the summer.

lovetochat 01-13-2008 09:20 PM

How much actually is a portion? If you are half filling your plate with veggies surely that counts as more than one of the five a day?

Jewel 01-14-2008 06:16 AM

I cannot remember how much exactly makes up a portion, so sorry, I can't help you there.

I did get a smoothie maker a year ago, and kind of went on a smoothie-making binge. I kind of got tired of having to clean it out so much though.

tater03 01-14-2008 07:09 PM

I am terrible when it comes to getting the veggies that I should have daily. There are not to many that I do like. That being said I do like lettuce and tomato's so I try to eat a lot of salads. Also I plug my nose and down V8 juice.

MrsH 01-15-2008 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by lovetochat (Post 163)
How much actually is a portion? If you are half filling your plate with veggies surely that counts as more than one of the five a day?

I believe 1 serve is equal to 1 cup when it comes to most veggies and greens (lettuce f ex). However some veggies are starchy which makes them more equal to paste, rice and such. For the starchy vegetables the recommendation is to eat them, but in smaller amounts (think of them like carbs). Starchy vegetables are f ex potatoes, peas, beans and corn.

tater03 01-15-2008 02:31 PM

I don't know why but I never thought to include potato's. Now potatoes are something that I eat all the time and all different ways.

Jewel 01-15-2008 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by tater03 (Post 184)
I am terrible when it comes to getting the veggies that I should have daily. There are not to many that I do like. That being said I do like lettuce and tomato's so I try to eat a lot of salads. Also I plug my nose and down V8 juice.

I have tried the V8 Juice thing, it just does not seem to work for me. I cannot swallow that stuff. I have resorted to the V8 fruit juice, I really like the strawberry kiwi one.

debrajean 01-20-2008 10:32 PM

See, I prefer raw veggies to cook ones. Give me a carrot, cucumber and pepper and I'm good to go. Apples and bananas are my all-time fav for fruits.

3plus3 01-22-2008 02:16 AM

I prefer raw veggies to cooked ones any day. I love a nice big salad. But my kids and boyfriend do not like veggies very much at all. So in order to get some veggies in for them, I will puree some squash or carrots and add that to spaghetti sauce. I also add zucchini to chocolate cake (really yummy). My boyfriend likes brocolli,potatoes and carrots only if they are steamed in the microwave with water and butter so they don't crunch.

emsy99 01-22-2008 07:34 AM

When I am having a meal such as a curry, risotto or bolognaise, I put some "green stuff" under it so that it gets incorporated into the meal if you see what I mean. For example, I often put cooked spinach in with a curry, rocket with risotto or bolognaise ( or just a nice leafy salad on the side with bolognaise).

fiona 01-28-2008 06:31 AM

Every time that I eat I am either having a fruit or vegetable. So in the morning for breakfast more times all I will eat is fruit such as blueberries and an apple. I do not like to eat heavy in the morning. The next meal will be a brunch or actual lunch and I will add in a salad or a chicken salad that I made. For dinner I will have another salad, or add in a side of vegetables. For dessert I will also add fruits in to my dessert.

Liza 01-28-2008 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jewel (Post 199)
I have tried the V8 Juice thing, it just does not seem to work for me. I cannot swallow that stuff. I have resorted to the V8 fruit juice, I really like the strawberry kiwi one.

I can't stand the stuff either, I really like eating healthy so I really tried hard, but I had to throw it out.

On the other, I really love my veggies raw, steamed is ok too, I don't like them overcooked at all.

johnthms72 07-15-2010 05:38 AM

A little known trick of skilled model converters and sculptors is to take an aspect of a model.Tools come in many shapes and form.Anything can be used. For example,if you need flat sheets of putty for banners and such then plastic food wrapping becomes a tool.When I am having a meal such as a curry, risotto or bolognaise,I put some green stuff under it so that it gets incorporated into the meal if you see what I mean.

moorepjennifer 10-27-2010 08:32 PM

I just use a handful of the spinach, typically, for one serving… there’s no need to get caught up in grams of vegetables in this case…Thanks so much for all the wise send you our information. My wife and I would like to order your book, but we can not do the line. We tried three times without success. We are'nt very good on the computer yet. Can you please send us an e-mail ordering another way.

devinemarko 11-29-2010 03:38 PM

I know that in reality do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, but I really wish that I could. I eat lots of salad and make it taste better go for the grilled chicken. As for the fruit goes. I eat a lot of apples and oranges all day, maybe two or three days.

kencruase 12-01-2010 11:28 AM

I only parent, usually a part, using a handful of vegetables in this case need not have occupied the village. Transfer of information to you thanks for all the tests. My wife and I would like to order the book, but you can not online. We tried three times without success. We again are not very good computer.

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