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emsy99 01-27-2008 09:23 PM

Diet coke with antioxidants
I've been drinking a lot of this recently, as it has been on various offers, free, so I've got a stock! Someone mentioned to me that there was no point in having it because the carcogenic sweetners negate any positive effect of the antioxidants. What do people think? :confused:

Lyndsey 01-28-2008 02:23 AM

Your friends may be right. Coke has no nutritional value, and there is a lot of controversy surrounding artificial sweeteners, as my dad the chemist woud tell you. Added to which, vitamins are better absorbed with real food that has real nutritional value. Why not eat more berries, drink more green tea, etc.

fiona 01-28-2008 05:49 AM

There is no nutritional value in the sodas and on the can they usually say that there the product does not have any nutritional value.

emsy99 01-28-2008 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Lyndsey (Post 406)
Your friends may be right. Coke has no nutritional value, and there is a lot of controversy surrounding artificial sweeteners, as my dad the chemist woud tell you. Added to which, vitamins are better absorbed with real food that has real nutritional value. Why not eat more berries, drink more green tea, etc.

because I really can't stand green tea!! I have tried it in so many guises but I cannot stomach the stuff! I eat plenty of berries anyway with my porridge! ( I have to have a low gi diet and this is one of the things they tell you to do). Only drinking this coke cos I got stacks of it for free - ( I'm a pepsi max fan normally!) Just wondered what people thought. I thought that, as I drink artificially sweetened coke anyway , and am not planning on stopping doing so - if this one counteracts the baddies it can't be doing me much harm!

emsy99 01-28-2008 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Lyndsey (Post 406)
Added to which, vitamins are better absorbed with real food that has real nutritional value. .

Sorry - I forgot - this bit is interesting!! This is something my low gi book says - that it is beneficial to have antioxidants and carbs together as it reduces amount absorbed or something:confused: So I drink my coke with my sandwich! haha - not quite what the book had in mind! But do you know why this is?

MrsH 01-29-2008 10:08 AM

I'm very scared of the artificial sweetener stuff. I rather drink the real deal then diet anything. A friend of mine got 'addicted' to coke and had to have about 1 liter everyday. Some people claims the artificial sweetener makes you addicted, but I think its more the caffeine part

SageMother 01-29-2008 03:59 PM

I don't think the "carcenogenic" sweetners are really an issue. You wouldn't be able to drink enough coke to create the levels necessary to cause problems.

Anything that vitamins can be added to can be altered to create nutritional value.

tater03 01-29-2008 06:35 PM

I have not seen this product yet. Personally I would think that there would be other things you might drink that would be better overall that would have antioxidants in it.

Liza 01-29-2008 08:16 PM

Emys99 has already made up her mind to finish drinking her Coke, annd it seem we can't discourage her. What I would suggest is that you also drink plenty to water so that your system will be flushed. :D

ammulu 01-30-2008 02:31 AM

I usually have 7up if there is some gastric problem rather than having any other drinks on regular basis. I don't prefer to have drinks like coke and I have a cup of milk or butter-milk. I somehow prefer to take water if I visit a restaurant rather than having anything else.

SageMother 01-30-2008 04:45 PM

Her system won't really need to be "flushed" as I am sure she will drink or eat enough of other things to balance everything out.

The body doesn't flush the way you flush and fill a radiator. Selectively permeable membranes at the cellular level regulate the flow of basic chemical chains once digestion has begun. The more immediate problem is just moving fluid, any fluid, through the system without creating gastric distress.

As far as antioxidants, I don't think I have seen anything proposing what a truly therapeutic level is. Unless you are taking them in pill form, their presence is usually advertised as a gimmick to create sales. This is true of Coke and is also true of many products marketed under the "organic" umbrella.

tater03 01-30-2008 04:52 PM

I don't think that you should stop drinking it if you enjoy it at all. I just feel that their are better ways to get antioxidants. I just wanted to clarify that I in no way was passing any kind of judgment. Just rereading my post I wanted to make sure I didn't come off that way.

Liza 01-31-2008 03:12 AM

You are speaking my language when you mention water, at lunch my coworkers cannot understand how I can drink only water, while they are having sodas and juice drink. But I find drinking water highly beneficial.

SageMother 01-31-2008 08:05 PM

Life is too short to deny yourself a small pleasure. If you find it no longer works or causes problems you can always find another pleasure.

emsy99 01-31-2008 11:32 PM

Thanks for the concern guys, was just wondering what people thought of products like this really! I drink ( at least ) 5 litres of water a day -lol ( i'm not kidding!!) aswell as diet soda and coffee etc, I am just literally always thirsty! ( i'm not diabetic).I drink coffee first thing and after work, water all day , and diet coke/ pepsi max at lunch, so think i should be fine!

MrsH 02-01-2008 09:22 AM

thats sounds pretty healthy to me. But how to you manage to drink so much water. Im struggling to get down 2 liters a day.

Liza 02-01-2008 08:23 PM me whatever, but how many ounces make up a litre. I drink about 32-40 oz per day. Sometimes a cup or two more depending on the atmosphere.

emsy99 02-01-2008 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by MrsH (Post 481)
thats sounds pretty healthy to me. But how to you manage to drink so much water. Im struggling to get down 2 liters a day.

I really don't know, I'm just always thirsty!! I've been tested for diabetes more than once when I was younger because my mum couldn't get over how much I drink!

I did read somewhere that the more you drink, the more your body gets used to it, and you feel thirsty more, so it is probablly just a case of gradually increasing the amount you have.

emsy99 02-01-2008 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Liza (Post 492) me whatever, but how many ounces make up a litre. I drink about 32-40 oz per day. Sometimes a cup or two more depending on the atmosphere.

40 oz is about 1.2 litres according to a converter I just googled ( I didn't know either!!)

SageMother 02-02-2008 09:45 PM

That sounds like a lot of water to me, but if spread through out the day I can see where it would be healthy.

Drinking it all at once would be a problem though. Wouldn't that make you nauseous? I think it would make me feel ill!

emsy99 02-03-2008 09:20 PM

Ha ha, it makes me feel funny when I don't drink water to be honest, I don't drink it particularly to try to be healthy, I just need to drink a lot! I do have quite a lot when I first get up in the morning, then the rest is spread pretty evenly. I have heard that there is such a thing as drinking TOO much water - ie you can drown yoursef or something(??!), but I think you must need to drink a lot more for that to happen ( I hope!!)

MrsH 02-05-2008 10:20 AM

yeah i heard about that too ( too much water i mean) My husband uses that excuss to drink very little water and more coke. I have no idea how much water is 'dangerouse' , but I have a feeling it also matters how fast you drink it. I heard one woman died because she drank to much water, but she tried to drink massive amounts in very short time as she took part in a competition.

emsy99 02-06-2008 09:38 PM

Yeah , I heard of somebody dying from it too - scary - especially when you drink as much as me!

debrajean 02-06-2008 10:13 PM

I tend to agree with the addicted thing. I'm addicted to caffeine and I know it. If I wake later than normal and have had no caffeine, my body lets me know by the splitting headache I have. A cup of tea makes it go away.

fiona 02-11-2008 05:59 AM

I don't drink much soda but I do understand how it can get addicting especially with all of that caffeine and sugar in them.

Ronneyy 09-27-2010 04:28 PM

Coffee has antioxidants and is good for you, esp. if filtered like brewed coffee

absovlit 04-18-2011 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by mario20 (Post 1733)
not sure if the states got this yet but diet coke in france launched two new types of diet coke. one with vitamins and the other is an antioxydant formula( green tea). btw i tried them both and they taste no different than the original to me.

That's actually very interesting because I always thought that even diet soda's aren't good for you when trying to lose weight. I'm just wondering if this could some other marketing scheme by coke to try and compete with natural weight loss pills and weight loss supplements. Either way, I think the best and most effective way to lose weight is simple exercise and healthy eating.

lav.katherine 07-24-2012 07:43 AM

well yes rather then taking antioxidants better is to take simple diet coke or water instead of any thing else. ;)

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