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tater03 02-17-2008 11:34 PM

When Dieting Goes To Far
I have a friend that I would honestly say is borderline anorexic. She started out on just a basic diet with watching what she eats. As she has been on it and lost weight she just keeps wanting to lose more. She only needed to lose five pounds to begin with and really not even that. How in the world do you get someone like this to see what you are seeing?

trick-r-treat 02-18-2008 02:34 AM

I don't know. I just always wonder what I look like to a skinny person who thinks they are fat. But it doesn't sound healthy at all, tater. She probably needs professional help.

MrsH 02-18-2008 10:17 AM

yeah I second the need for professional help. I have talked to people who have been in the same situation as your friend and they say that they honestly saw themselves as 'fat' when looking in the mirror even though there where very underweight.

katharina 02-18-2008 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by MrsH (Post 773)
yeah I second the need for professional help. I have talked to people who have been in the same situation as your friend and they say that they honestly saw themselves as 'fat' when looking in the mirror even though there where very underweight.

I think there's a definite line between the 'real' disease of anorexia and a lot of girls today who *choose* it because they think it's in vogue or something.

SageMother 02-18-2008 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by tater03 (Post 768)
I have a friend that I would honestly say is borderline anorexic. She started out on just a basic diet with watching what she eats. As she has been on it and lost weight she just keeps wanting to lose more. She only needed to lose five pounds to begin with and really not even that. How in the world do you get someone like this to see what you are seeing?

I think it might help for people in this situation to see some of the changes made to photos of popular models and celebrities. Even though the anorexic uses the word "fat" It might actually be "legs aren't long enough" or "neck is too short" that is being interpreted as "fat".

What the anorexic is reacting to might be proportions and not weight.

tater03 02-19-2008 10:20 PM

Thanks you guys. I just don't think she sees at all that she has a problem but I will keep trying. I have even went and shown her pictures of herself from before and after hoping that she would see the change but that didn't seem to work either.

riskey58 02-19-2008 11:28 PM

when dieting goes to far
You see that happening more. It is so said. I just wonder what they really see when they look at themself . I think the only way out is professional help.

SageMother 02-19-2008 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by tater03 (Post 791)
Thanks you guys. I just don't think she sees at all that she has a problem but I will keep trying. I have even went and shown her pictures of herself from before and after hoping that she would see the change but that didn't seem to work either.

There is a time to back away from and issue and just enjoy the time you have with someone. Even if it is difficult, enjoying the friendship for what it is, is probably more important than anything else right now.

katharina 02-21-2008 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by tater03 (Post 791)
Thanks you guys. I just don't think she sees at all that she has a problem but I will keep trying. I have even went and shown her pictures of herself from before and after hoping that she would see the change but that didn't seem to work either.

I know someone like this... frankly, nothing will work if it doesn't come from within herself. She had lost pretty much weight and dropped 2 or 3 pant sizes. She still saw "fat" and reminding her that if she'd still be the same size, she wouldn't be able to fit into the new jeans didn't make much of a difference. :(

tater03 02-21-2008 09:39 PM

Thanks, I think you are right though. I don't want to ruin the friendship so I will just be there for her and enjoy the friendship itself. Hopefully it will all work out in the end.

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