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tater03 01-13-2008 10:24 PM

Cabbage Diet
I was wondering if this diet ever worked for anyone? It used to be so big when I was in highschool. Now it seems like it is making a comeback. My niece is talking about trying it. I just wish these fad diets would just go away all together.

lovetochat 01-14-2008 10:06 PM

That brought back some memories, I haven't heard of anyone doing this for years. I didn't do it myself but I remember lots of people at school doing it - but not for long. Wasn't it originally designed for obese people to lose a lot of weight before an operation - but like all these things I don't think the weight stayed off without healthy eating afterwards.

MrsH 01-15-2008 02:51 AM

NowI have an image in my head from an ad where a woman have her fridge filled to the brim with cabbage :D

Seriously I don't think this will work very well. The point is to just eat cabbage for some time right? If I tried to eat just cabbage for lets say 3 days. I would be really sick of cabbage for sure and I also believe I would overeat on all the 'good' stuff I missed out of as soon as I was back to normal eating, which probably would have lead to me gaining all the weight back (and some)

Maybe you should try to talk to your niece about healthy life change instead. And maybe you can do this together and also exercies together. Diet and exercise are much easier and more fun to do when you have someone to do it with.

tater03 01-15-2008 02:29 PM

Thank you, I am going to talk to her about other options and what I have seen of this diet from years ago and how it didn't work for very long.

lovetochat 01-16-2008 11:05 PM

Not just cabbage as I recall, it had to be cabbage soup. Apparantly it smells really really bad, and doesn't taste too great either! Maybe that is why people lose weight, because it puts them off of food??

Chris 01-17-2008 12:30 AM

Cabbage is high in sulfur which comes out when cooked (overcooked, or cooked in a non-acidic solution) giving it that smell and brown color.

Cabbage is quite low in calories and high in fiber, but is otherwise relatively low in vitamins, atleast compared to other veggies.

debrajean 01-20-2008 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by tater03 (Post 173)
I was wondering if this diet ever worked for anyone? It used to be so big when I was in highschool. Now it seems like it is making a comeback. My niece is talking about trying it. I just wish these fad diets would just go away all together.

This sounds absolutely horrid! I can't get past the smell of cabbage, much less eat it! If someone decided to eat this day in and day out, I'd think they might need to be committed.

3plus3 01-22-2008 02:17 AM

Cabbage is yucky!!! I can not get past the smell. It reminds me of my grandma's trailer. ICK .

dreamr802 01-27-2008 04:44 PM

I had done this diet a few years ago and I had gotten sick from it. It was to the point where my doctor told me to stop doing it, so I wouldn't suggest it for anyone.

fiona 01-28-2008 05:44 AM

I have never done this diet and I know that I never will do it as I cannot stand the smell of cabbage and I do not think living off of one vegetable will get what one needs in order to lose weight.

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