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ammulu 01-24-2008 03:52 PM

I totally agree with you Baldmonkee. The ad on the television says the line "With diet & exercise" in a very low voice which is almost ignored if not paid good attention. Easy way to takecare of your weight is to eat healthy and short meals, can be more number of times per day.

MrsH 01-25-2008 09:52 AM

I guess the reason for why all these things do sell is because people are lazy and want quick results. It is very easy to forget that it took years to gain all the weight packed on, so you can expect it to go away in a couple of weeks.

Jewel 01-26-2008 02:14 AM

Losing a significant amount of weight definitely requires a lifestyle change, and it's not going to happen overnight, at least not in a healthy maner.

ammulu 01-26-2008 10:30 PM

People tend to feel they can lose weight instantly instead of trying it other way of exercising and diet controlling. I have seen some who are really lazy enough to even watch out what they are eating.

debrajean 01-27-2008 10:41 AM

The other thing, if you notice, is that with each pill it recommends an 8 ounce glass of water with it and they want you to take a pill b4 each meal, with water. Now think about it, drs. when putting someone on a diet, generally recommend an 8 oz glass of water b4 a meal to get a feeling of fullness so you don't eat as much. If you're doing this anyway, what's the point of the pill?

dreamr802 01-27-2008 04:40 PM

honestly I don't believe that they work. I think its more psychological. You'll be taking these pills that make you not if you really believe that they won't make you hungry you will trick your mind into thinking that you really aren't hungry, therefore you will lose weight because you aren't eating as much.

fiona 01-28-2008 05:33 AM

I have tried some of those and I ended up pretty dehydrated and malnourished. I did lose weight however for the side effects that I went through it did not seem worth it in the end.

ammulu 01-30-2008 02:39 AM

Yeah Debrajean I did check out the 8 glasses of water options too. Generally it is said to be the best way to have a healthy personality. People tend to rule out one more option which my grandma used to tell me that is to drink a glass of water immediately after you wakeup and brush. It surely helps to provide a healthy body.

jonesboon 11-19-2010 10:19 AM

I think some of these pills and creams, you are talking to act quickly to repair. For example, a worker in my diet and tried to shake him to lose weight. Dog. Use these things do not change the style of living when you stop using, you probably gain weight again. Therefore, although the former is much longer than the only way to change your lifestyle and to ensure that the remaining weight.

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