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simoncolias 09-20-2010 10:00 AM

I checked to go, it's my favorite now. I jogged for fifteen years in the seventies and eighties, much of the nineties, and I do I remember when walking or why. I think it was the location of the office of our rainbow changing. Miserable cross (F) between the Bureau and all the beautiful channels and more intense in the workplace.

johnysmith0009 09-20-2010 05:59 PM

I like to do all kind of exercise. Every one can share their thoughts about exercise. Every one have to do any kind of exercise to get healthy body. Cycling and Walking are the best exercise for every one.

kevingorero 09-21-2010 07:09 AM

There is lots of exercise to do and many of them is my favorite and i think push ups , running, and weight lifting is my favorite exercise , and i am also doing Yoga in alternate days in a week.

noriorafu 09-27-2010 10:33 AM

Mine would be dumbbell curls, his general Bodybuilding icon to use.

Ronneyy 09-27-2010 04:24 PM

Swimming I love when it's hot outside, and if I'm sore or injured because it's the easiest on my body (joints/bones/muscles).

princewest13 09-27-2010 05:01 PM

The bench press. But I feel my program is not complete unless it has The Big Three somewhere mixed in.

The Big Three:
- Squat
- Deadift
- Bench Press

smithpeter 09-29-2010 12:05 PM

I love swimming. It is the best for a person with my knees, low impact. I love the silence of the water, rather cools my head off too.I discovered that swimming is a great exercise. At first, I swim for fun & because it's hot in my place, but I've read in some site that swimming is actually good not just for your health but also for the body. It's good for your muscles, lungs & more.

Indyartist 09-30-2010 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by MrsH (Post 141)
My favorite is probably walking. Mostly because its easy and since I do not have a car I do not have much choice but to walk wherever I need to go.

I also really enjoy swimming, but that is a bit more difficult to do as I am depended on access to a pool and at the moment I do not have that.

My newest thing is dance work out on dvd. I bought a cheap dvd on sale and are working on learning the routine. I think I will enjoy it when I get more into it, right now I feel like I have 3 left legs..

So what is your favorite?

I have SO many favorites: swimming, running, walking, lifting weights, playing on playground slides, chasing my beautiful boys, and speeding eating. :D

aileenroger1 10-02-2010 03:02 AM

Well, my favourite exercise is Walking. Walking regularly can improve operational efficiency in the lungs and also reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. It can help to reduce blood pressure. It can help also combat depression, improve energy levels and helps you sleep better at night.

rayfordleal 10-02-2010 11:31 AM

I want to walk a lot, and a bike ride in the heat of summer. In the cold season, usually work at home, on Wii, or training videos, but I also like the stuff out, such as skiing, sledding and ice skating.

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