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lovetochat 01-16-2008 11:03 PM

But fruit doesn't seem to fill me up, that is the trouble. I would need to eat a whole pineapple to feel full, and then I would be getting up to pee all night!!! Fruit never calls to me in the same way that other snacks do!

SageMother 01-17-2008 06:36 PM

Have you tried adding peanut butter or another protein to boost the satisfaction level with your snacks? Protein can slow absorption, keeping you from feeling "nibbly" too soon!

ammulu 01-17-2008 08:36 PM

Fruits are really great evening snacks. I do have a peach or orange or few grapes. That is the best way to even control your diet too. But my husband prefers having something heavy like Egg puffs. This is also healthy but at times make me feel it might lead to increase few pounds in the body.

MrsH 01-18-2008 08:50 AM

lovetochat - maybe you need to look more closer at what you are eating and drinking during the day. Maybe you are having trouble with the evening snack because you really are hungry. Try to write down what you eat - all of it- for a few days and see if you can change things so you are less hungry at night. Then maybe a piece of fruit will be oki for you.

lovetochat 01-18-2008 11:54 PM

I am scared to look too closely at how much I eat. I am lucky, I can eat quite a lot and not put too much on as I am quite active. And I eat a big evening meal because we sit down with the kids each evening. I think it is more to do with just sitting and not having much to distract me from food. The same happens at work if not much is going on. It becomes more of a habit rather than hunger. I'm doing better now I have started going to the gym in the evenings, it gives me something else to think about!

debrajean 01-20-2008 10:24 PM

I too, eat a small bowl of cereal (usually honey nut cheerios or a splurge like apple jacks). This seems to satisfy my need to munch and my sweet tooth. I usually have a cup of chamoille tea with this to calm me down and relax me for bed.

3plus3 01-22-2008 02:19 AM

Nope you are not alone. Right now I am struggling with not munching on something. Stress triggers a lot of my eating lately. I have been under a great deal of stress. Ugh.

emsy99 02-01-2008 09:07 PM

thats amazing that a whole pineapple only has 250 calories!! I love pineapple!!

baldmonkee 02-02-2008 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by emsy99 (Post 498)
thats amazing that a whole pineapple only has 250 calories!! I love pineapple!!

That's very surprising to me as well, pineapple just seems to sweet to have that few calories

rooshidavid 04-19-2010 12:52 PM

Cutting down of evening snacks is very necessary to loss weight. It is true that the 35% weight of a fat person is due to evening snacks. The best thing to consume at evening is fruit juice. Even milk fruit shake is strictly prohibited.

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