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baldmonkee 01-21-2008 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by debrajean (Post 282)
I agree a lifestyle change in how you look at food and how you eat it is the staple in a lifelong weight loss. In the past I've tried diet pills (dexatrim b4 it was banned) and I did lose upwards of 25 to 30 lbs. But it was all gained back when I stopped taking them. And while on them, I suffered from severe lightheadness, moodiness, heart palpitations and jitters. Diet pills, although a quick fix for some, are not a long term solution.

You have to be really careful, a diet aid may not work at all, or it may help melt away the pounds temporarily while simultaneously having you in the doctors office with a dangerous medical condition, very scary in my opinion

SageMother 01-21-2008 08:55 PM

One of the problems with ads is they talk about all this weight loss but don't say that the person added an exercise program and changed their diet while usng the pills.

If a product says it makes you lose weight, but then includes and exercies prpogram and diet, the pill isn't doing the work, and the company is engaging in false adverstising!

tater03 01-21-2008 10:15 PM

I just don't think that even if you find one that does work that it will keep the weight off for any length of time especially once you stop taking them.

3plus3 01-22-2008 02:21 AM

I really haven't seen where any of the pills or creams work. Usually it is a lifestyle change (no soda drinking, more exercise) that works.

SageMother 01-22-2008 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by ammulu (Post 148)
My cousin tried out Slim-Fast pills but that isn't of great help and she still seems to be the same to look at, may be she needs to exercise as well as eat less to really lose weight.

I haven't tried the Slim Fast pills but did try their weight loss program a few years back. I would never do it again because the drinks are basically a glass of lowfat milk. The other problem is that the drinks are sweet. If I want to replace a meal, I want the replacement to taset like real food and not dessert!

Liza 01-22-2008 06:28 PM

I try to avoid the pills and creams mainly because they don't work for me, but also because I find that eating properly over an extended period of time does give positive results.

ammulu 01-22-2008 06:34 PM

I did check out the ad for Slim fast and they said it would work along with exercise & diet. So, this means that the pills are not doing the work, it is the diet and the exercise that is working for you. I would never try to use it again ever.

baldmonkee 01-23-2008 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by ammulu (Post 323)
I did check out the ad for Slim fast and they said it would work along with exercise & diet. So, this means that the pills are not doing the work, it is the diet and the exercise that is working for you. I would never try to use it again ever.

Isn't that amazing, they tell you it works "with diet and exercise" what a lot of people don't realize is that if they just paid attention to their diet and exercised regularly, they wouldn't need the slim fast.

SageMother 01-23-2008 02:45 PM

One pill that can work well in phentermine, but you have to take it long enough to break your old eating habits. If you return to your old way of eating the opportunity for permanent change is blown.

MrsH 01-24-2008 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by SageMother (Post 336)
One pill that can work well in phentermine, but you have to take it long enough to break your old eating habits. If you return to your old way of eating the opportunity for permanent change is blown.

Is that the pill that you only get after a consultation with a doctor or the pharmacist? I heard of a pill like that, but I can not remember the name. I like that it was only given after a consulation though, to make sure it was used right.

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