View Full Version : How to Make Low Carb Dieting Work For You

03-23-2010, 06:01 AM
There are some truth about the rumors you might have heard about low carb dieting.

It works like gangbusters to get rid of excess weight. YES it's True.

It works very fast. You'll see results in matter of few days. Yes it's True.

It also make you feel less energized. Yes it's True.

It also make you look a little aged. Scary but it's true when used low carb dieting for long term.

Well, if you are women reading this article, I bet you are little scared about last 2 parts. If all of the above is true, then why do so many people suggest using low carb diets. There is very simple answer. You'll see results fasters. That's it. That's one of the main reason why Atkins diet is so popular.

My recommendation - I recommend using low carb diets when you have some stubborn fat deposits (love handles, some on thighs). It's often far effective to target them for 3-4 weeks with a low carb diet plan and a good workout.

The basic idea why it works is - When you decrease your carbs intake, there's a decrease in your muscles and liver glycogen stores, this in turn stimulates the body to burn more fat. The headache about going low is that it starts to lower your metabolism, thus reducing the fat burning effect. To counter that, I do recommend you to add more protein and fat (good kind) in your food. I also do not recommend to spend much time in low target zone. It's unhealthy for long term. Anything over 28-30 days is unhealthy. That's why I don't recommend Atkins at all.

04-26-2010, 10:45 AM
People are do their diet for improve their health or lose their weight.These are normally used to lose weight. people want to select this diet because of they enjoy the food which are included in this diet.

08-31-2010, 04:51 PM
Yes, the low-carb diets work if you do it correctly. The Atkins diet has been revamped and is a much healthier diet than when it first came out 40 some odd years ago. You can probably check oout the new book in your library to see for yourself.

10-06-2010, 07:45 PM
They can raise cholesterol as much protein and fat foods contain fatty acids, which do not correspond to the idea that insulin acts to prevent the build-up. They can increase blood pressure, as some whole-grain products have been found to lower blood pressure. Help osteoporosis because protein in the diet causes the body to eliminate calcium during urination, and can overload the kidneys. In some cases, low-carb diet can cause diarrhea, constipation and headache. May slow the mental vision. The brain needs glucose to function properly.They can also cause weight gain. Experts oppose the low-carb diets claim that this type of care is a diuretic effect on the body when people lose weight quickly, only to turn back, cutting diet.

03-13-2011, 03:34 AM
There is no one low-carb diet. The popular plans span a range of carb levels and food choices, though essentially all of them cut out most sugars and starches. Again, the best thing to do is to read one of the books – go to your library and browse, and zero in on something that looks doable to you. Essentially all of the popular books can be purchased used online for very little money.

07-10-2012, 11:36 AM
I don't know is their any low carbs food available or not. or do we made such food or diet and then maintain it over long time. better is stop taking cold water and start in taking warm water before and after meal. :):)